PSP Accessories - Earphones & Headset

PSP Headset with Remote

PSP Headset with Remote Compatible with Sony PSP-2000 & PSP-3000.

In-Ear Headphones With In-Line Remote Controlled Play, Pause, Fast-Forward, Rewind, Volume & Hold Functions.

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PSP Go In-Ear Headset

PSP Go In-Ear Headset Official PSP Go compatible In-Ear Headset.

Listen to your games, movies and music wherever you want with the premium quality headset.

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PSP Go Bluetooth Stereo Headset Receiver

PSP Go Bluetooth Stereo Headset Receiver Official PSP Go compatible Bluetooth Stereo Headset Receiver.

Bluetooth Headset designed specifically for PSP Go.

Works with most cellphones that support Bluetooth 2.0.

Functions as a desktop microphone.

Compact ergonomic fit stays comfortably on your ear all day.

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