Uncharted NGP version not be located between the first two titles in the series

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@ May 20, 2011

After a long silence for the title, there are now some new information on the highly anticipated Uncharted offshoot for Sony NGP. As Naughty Dog co-president, Christophe Balestra in an interview announced is Uncharted NGP (Which still bears no fixed subtitles) time not be located between the first two titles in the series that have been made for PS3. The portable branch of the series is currently Uncharted 1. However, the game is not yet as Prequel thought, because that it is not just a simple introduction to the story Nathan Drake, It is a completely separate game do on its feet.

Uncharted NGP version not be located between the first two titles in the series

Moreover, in the course of the interview was announced that the gameplay slightly from the previous Uncharted titles to deviate to a better way to make games in shorter sessions. So shall be less shooting and for exploring more to offer to insert more time to breathe or to a pause. Furthermore, it is also in the development of Uncharted Portable with some of the actors worked together so we can probably expect from the portable branch cut scenes in the quality of the large versions.

There is no exact release date is, of course, as well as for Sony NGP itself, not yet. With an announcement at the upcoming E3 is likely.

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