How to extract the cutscenes video out of the PSP games

Posted in
@ May 10, 2011

How to extract the cutscenes video out of the PSP games Always thought those in-game cutscenes were cool, but you couldn't view them anywhere else except during the game?

PMF (Playstation Media Files) is a PSP video file format that being used in many games for PSP. so many games cut scene and movies are actually stored on the UMD with PMF format and all the game is doing is calling the PSP AVC(H264) module to play it.


Want to play PMF video on your PC? for that, you will need to extract the PMF out of the ISO image. Here is a guide on how to extract the PMF video with UMDGen. I hope this tutorial comes in handy cheesy.

You can open and modify ISOs using UMDGen, the latest version is currently 4.00. Download the UMDGen

Now you are ready to extracting PMF video:

  1. Open UMDGEN and open the game you want to get a video. UMDGEN v4.00 can open compressed games. there is no need to convert your CSOs to ISOs before ripping.
  2. Browse the directory from a PSP .ISO game, first seen a folder with the name PSP_GAME and file UMD_DATA.BIN. Looking for a folder called "Video" / "Movie" / "Cutscene" etc, inside you will find all the PMF video.
  3. Select the PMF file you want to extract, right-click and choose "Extract to" option. Browse to the folder you wish to save the PMF video.

How to extract the cutscenes video out of the PSP games

Finally you need Lande PMF Player. Lande PMF Player will allow you to playback PMF video files on your Windows desktop. Download Lande PMF Player here. Or you just need a codec to play .PMF videos, and play them from any media player on your windows PC. You can download PMFPlay H.624 Codec for Windows.

If you're looking for some cool videos to put on your PSP device, check out the site below. You'll find thousands of videos that you can download for free after you join as a member. You'll also get unlimited access to download PSP movies, music, videos, software and much more.

psp download center

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1 Comment

gahram :

Some Games have a single large .dat file. like Maverick Hunter X. I'm guessing all movies and everything is compressed to that dat file. I cant extrackt like that. T_T

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